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International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists Initiative ARCHIVE


Background on the IYRP Initiative (IYRP History, Process, Priority Themes and Way Forward (PPT))

Beginning in early 2016, many organizations began working together to gain support for a United Nations designated International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP). This led to the formalization of an IYRP Steering Committee, and after the Mongolian Government's formal IYRP proposal was submitted, to a renamed and reconfigured IYRP Support Group (ISG).  The ISG has spearheaded this effort by actively engaging with colleagues and interested parties around the world. Most recently, the Mongolian Government presented the request for an IYRP designation at an open session of the October 2018 COAG meeting in Rome and the proposal was approved without reservations by the 2020 COAG meeting representatives. The proposal has since been approved by the FAO Council and FAO Conference, and on March 15, 2022 by the UN General Assembly.  IYRP 2026 is official!!  Please contact Layne Coppock ( or Igshaan Samuels ( for more information.


News & Press Releases (August 2023)

COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release (October 2020)

FAO-COAG IYRP Proposal (August 2020)

Mongolia Government Proposal to FAO-COAG for an IYRP (August 2019)

Letters of Support for IYRP (August 2023)

Gap Analysis Report - "A case of benign neglect: Knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands” - StoryMap Presentation



Mongolian Proposal for an IYRP: Resources & COAG Results

Letters of Support and Commitment

IYRP Global Secretariat

IYRP Global Alliance (formerly International Support Group)

IYRP Global Coordinating Group

Branding Materials

Regional IYRP Support Groups

Working Groups

IYRP Newsletters

Promotional Materials

Presentations and Posters

Joint International Rangelands & Grasslands Congress, 2021

Global Grassland & Savannah Dialogue Platform

International Year Resolution Resources

Related Declarations

Past Events

Worldwide IYRP Activities

Background Resources (Documents, Web, News, and Photos)

Film and Video Resources