International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists Initiative ARCHIVE
Background on the IYRP Initiative (IYRP History, Process, Priority Themes and Way Forward (PPT))
Beginning in early 2016, many organizations began working together to gain support for a United Nations designated International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP). This led to the formalization of an IYRP Steering Committee, and after the Mongolian Government's formal IYRP proposal was submitted, to a renamed and reconfigured IYRP Support Group (ISG). The ISG has spearheaded this effort by actively engaging with colleagues and interested parties around the world. Most recently, the Mongolian Government presented the request for an IYRP designation at an open session of the October 2018 COAG meeting in Rome and the proposal was approved without reservations by the 2020 COAG meeting representatives. The proposal has since been approved by the FAO Council and FAO Conference, and on March 15, 2022 by the UN General Assembly. IYRP 2026 is official!! Please contact Layne Coppock ( or Igshaan Samuels ( for more information.
News & Press Releases (August 2023)
COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release (October 2020)
FAO-COAG IYRP Proposal (August 2020)
Mongolia Government Proposal to FAO-COAG for an IYRP (August 2019)
Letters of Support for IYRP (August 2023)
Gap Analysis Report - "A case of benign neglect: Knowledge gaps about sustainability in pastoralism and rangelands” - StoryMap Presentation
Mongolian Proposal for an IYRP: Resources & COAG Results
- FAO Council Passes IYRP Proposal - See Appendix D in Report (December 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - English (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - Spanish (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - French (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - Mongolian (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - German (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - Arabic (October 2020)
- COAG Endorsement of IYRP: Press Release - Chinese (October 2020)
- FAO-COAG IYRP Proposal (August 2020)
- COAG Member Countries (updated October 2019)
- Ministerial Letter Delivering Mongolian Proposal for an IYRP (July 2019)
- Mongolian Proposal for an IYRP (July 2019)
- Support Letters to Mongolian Proposal for an IYRP (July 2020)
- FAO cover letter to response letter (August 30, 2018)
- FAO response letter to Government of Mongolia (August 23, 2018)
- Letter from Government of Mongolia to FAO (July 1, 2018)
- Preliminary Proposal to US Agencies for an International Year of Rangelands
- Proposal Calling for Support to Designate and International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists
- Letter to UNEA-2 President, Dr. Oyun, requesting support for an IY designation
- FAO Call to Support IY Designation
Letters of Support and Commitment
- Afghanistan (2021)
- Australia (2020)
- Bhutan (2021)
- Burkino Faso (2019)
- Canada (2020)
- Country Letters of Support List (2021)
- Ethiopia (2019)
- Finland (2020)
- French Ministry of Agriculture (2021)
- Hungary letter translation (2020)
- Hungary pg 1 (2020)
- Hungary pg 2 (2020)
- India (2021)
- Iran (2020)
- Italy, Ministry of Agriculture (2020)
- Jordan (2020)
- Kenya (2020)
- Kyrgyzstan (2020)
- Mexico, State of Chihuahua (2021)
- Mexico, State of Durango (2021)
- Mongolia Mongolia (2020)
- Peru (2023)
- Russian Federation letter translation (2020)
- Russian Federation, Ministry of Agriculture (2020)
- Serbia (2020)
- Somalia, Ministry of Livestock, Forestry, and Range (2021)
- South Australia (2021)
- Spain (2020)
- Uganda Republic (2021)
- USA, USDA (2022)
- Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (2021)
- 35 Spanish NGOs (2020)
- 49 Spanish NGOs (2021)
- African Youth Pastoralist Initiative (AYPI; 2025)
- Agronomes et Vétérinaires Sans Frontières (AVSF) (2021)
- Alberta Wilderness Association (AWA) (2020)
- American Anthropological Association (2021)
- American Forage and Grassland Council (2021)
- Anthro International, India (2024)
- Arid Landscape Initiative Africa (ALINAfrica) (2020)
- Asociación de la Plataforma por la Ganadería Extensiva y el Pastoralismo (2020)
- Association Française de Pastoralisme (2020)
- Association Nodde Nooto Niger (2020)
- Ateker Cultural Center based in Karamoja Uganda (2021)
- Australia Grassland Association (2021)
- Australian Rangelands Society (2019)
- Biovision (2022)
- Birdlife International (2020)
- Brazil University of Sao Paolo (2021)
- Brazilian Center for Sustainable LIvestock (2020)
- Burren Programme Ireland (2021)
- Caravana Negra Association (2020)
- Center for Policy Research, Mongolia (2024)
- Center for Research and Development in Drylands (CRDD) (2021)
- Chihuahua Ganaderia Union (2021)
- Chilean Agricultural Research Institute (INIA Chile) (2020)
- Chinese Grasslands Society (2020)
- CIRAD (2021)
- CIRAD French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (2021)
- Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) (2019)
- Coalition of European Lobbies for Eastern African Pastoralism (CELEP) (2020)
- Confederation of Traditional Stockbreeders organizations in Africa (CORET) (2020)
- Confederation Paysanne (2019)
- Confédération paysanne (2020)
- COPACSO, Mongolia (2024)
- DiversEarth (2019)
- DiversEarth (2020)
- Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative (2022)
- Eastern and Southern Africa Pastoralists Network (2019)
- Eastern and Southern Africa Pastoralists Network (2021)
- Ecological Society of America (2020)
- Ecomusee Tata Somba (2022)
- Entretantos English (2020)
- Entretantos Spanish (2020)
- EuroMontana (2021)
- EuroNatur Foundation Germany (2021)
- Federal University of São João del-Rei Brazil (2021)
- GDA Le Groupement de développement agricole (2020)
- German Association of Professional Sheperds (2020)
- German Institute for Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture (2020)
- Global Diversity Foundation UK (2019)
- Global Diversity Foundation UK letter of commitment (2020)
- GOB Menorca (2021)
- Gram Bharati Samiti India (2019)
- Gram Bharati Samiti India (2020)
- Grasslands Society of Southern Africa (2020)
- Grassroots Institute Canada (2022)
- Helsinki Institute for Sustainable Science (2020)
- ICCA Consortium (2019)
- ICCA Consortium (2020)
- ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) (2019)
- ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) commitment (2020)
- Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA; 2025)
- INRAE, France (2024)
- Instituto Tecnológico de El Salto Mexico (2021)
- Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) (2021)
- International Center for Intermountain Development (ICIMOD) (2023)
- International Takhi Group (ITG) (2020)
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) (2020)
- Iran Syndicate of Pastoralists (2020)
- Iranian Society for Range Management (2020)
- JASIL (2020)
- Kamuthe Wildlife Conservancy (2023)
- Le Réseau Arabe des Communautés Pastorale "Pasto-Arabic" (2020)
- League for Pastoral Peoples & Endogenous Livestock Development (LPP) Germany (2019)
- LIFE Network [Local Livestock For Empowerment] India (2020)
- Lincoln University New Zealand (2021)
- Livestock Farmers Welfare Centre (2023)
- Livestock South Australia (2020)
- Macedonian Ecological Society (2021)
- MARAG (Maldhari Rural Action Group) (2020)
- Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (MedINA) (2019)
- Mesa de Ganaderia Sobre Campo Natural (2021)
- Misereor Germany (2020)
- Mongolian National Standard Cooperative (2024)
- NAT DNT (National Alliance Group for Denotified & Nomadic Tribes) India (2020)
- National Pasture Users Association of Kyrgyzstan (2020)
- National Association of Dehkan (Farmers) Farms Republic of Tajikistan (2020)
- National Association of Dehkan (Farmers) Farms Republic of Tajikistan (2020)
- National Grazing Lands Coalition (NatGLC) (2020)
- National Federation of User Groups of Herders, Mongolia (2024)
- NSW Farmer's Association Western Division Council (2021)
- Organization for Pastoral Peace & Development (OPPD, Kenya; 2025)
- Palestinian Livestock Development Centre (PLDC) (2019)
- Palestinian PLDC (2020)
- Partnership for Pastoralists Development Association (PAPDA) (2020)
- PASMEP Burkina Faso (2020)
- Pasto-Arabic (Arab Network of Pastoral Communities) Jordan (English) (2019)
- Pasto-Arabic (Arab Network of Pastoral Communities) Jordan (French) (2019)
- Pastoral Board, South Australia (2021)
- Pastoralist Forum Ethiopia (2020)
- Pastoralist Peoples' Initiative (Mongolia; 2025)
- PastorAmericas (2019)
- Pasture for Life, United Kingdom (2024)
- Plateau Perspectives Canada and Scotland (2019)
- Plateau Perspectives Canada and Scotland (2020)
- Profauna (Protección de la Fauna Mexicana) (2020)
- Pronatura Noreste Mexico (2021)
- Pronatura Noreste Mexico (2020)
- Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (2021)
- Queensland Rural Regional and Remote Women's Network Inc. (2021)
- Rangelands NRM Western Australia (2021)
- Rangelands Partnership (2020)
- Red Internacional para la Sostenibilidad de las Zonas Áridas (RISZA) (2020)
- Redes Chaco (2019)
- Redes Chaco 2nd letter (2020)
- Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland (2020)
- Royal Society of Queensland Australia (2020)
- Sahjeevan India (2019)
- Shouf Biosphere Reserve (SBR) (2019)
- Shouf Biosphere Reserve (SBR) (2020)
- Shouf Cedar Reserve (2020)
- Society for Near Nature Rangelands in Southern (Germ) (2020)
- Society for Range Management (2019)
- Society for Range Management commitment (2020)
- Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity Bulgaria (2021)
- Society for the Conservation of Old and Endangered Livestock Breeds Germany (2020)
- Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (2019)
- Southern Australia Livestock Research Council (2021)
- Southern Rangelands Pastoral Alliance Inc. (2021)
- South Dakota SRM Section (2024)
- Spanish Platform for Extensive Livestock Farmingand Pastoralism (2020)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Voluntary Action (SEVA) (2020)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Voluntary Action (SEVA) India (2019)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Voluntary Action (SEVA) India (2020)
- Sustainable Cashmere Union Mongolia (2020)
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2024)
- Thozhuvam Trust (2022)
- Trashumancia y Naturaleza (2019)
- Ulaanbaatar Erdem University, Mongolia (2024)
- Union of Indigenous Nomadic Tribes of Iran (UNINOMAD) (2019)
- Union of Indigenous Nomadic Tribes of Iran (UNINOMAD) (2020)
- University of Hohenheim Institute of Ag Sciences in Tropics Germany (2020)
- University of Nairobi (2020)
- University of Saskatchewan, Center of Agriculture & Biosciences (2025)
- Urmul Trust (India) (2020)
- Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Germany (VSF Germany) (2020)
- VSF International (2020)
- Western Local Land Services NSW Australia (2021)
- World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (2021)
- World Wildlife Fund International (2020)
- World Wildlife Fund Spain (2019)
- Yolda Initiative Turkey (2019)
- Yolda Initiative Turkey (2020)
IYRP Global Secretariat
- Members of IYRP Global Secretariat (January 2024)
IYRP Global Alliance (formerly International Support Group)
- List of Supporting Organizations (updated January 2024)
- Progress Update on IYRP Campaign (November 2022)
- Progress Update on IYRP Campaign (July 2021)
- Progress Update on IYRP Campaign (May 2021)
- Minutes from ISG Meeting (March 18, 2021)
- Minutes from Conference Call (October 15, 2020)
- IYRP Support Group Member List (October 30, 2020)
- Summary Minutes from Conference Call (September 9, 2020)
- Minutes from Conference Call (September 9, 2020)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020; Arabic)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020; Chinese)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020; French)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020; Mongolian)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 25, 2020; Spanish)
- Minutes from Conference Call (June 20, 2019)
- Terms of Reference (June 2019)
- Process for Gaining an IYRP (January 26, 2017)
- Sample/Draft Resolution (January 26, 2017)
- Minutes from Conference Call (February 7, 2019)
- Minutes from Conference Call (February 7, 2019; French)
- Minutes from Conference Call (January 18, 2017)
- Minutes from Conference Call (February 16, 2017)
- Minutes from Conference Call (April 5, 2017)
- Minutes from Two Conference Calls (June 27, 2017)
- Minutes from Conference Call (November 13, 2017)
IYRP Global Coordinating Group
- Members of IYRP Global Alliance/ISG (March 2025)
- GCG Meeting Minutes (English, October 2024)
- Structure of IYRP Coalition, Updated (English, pdf, November 2023)
- Structure of IYRP Coalition, Updated (English, ppt, November 2023
- Structure of IYRP Coalition, Updated (Spanish, pdf, November 2023)
- Structure of IYRP Coalition, Updated (Spanish, ppt, November 2023)
- Minutes Global Coordinating Group Meeting (July 17, 2023)
- Members of the Global Coordinating Group (August 2023)
- Minutes Global Communications Team Meeting (February 13, 2023)
- Structure of IYRP Coalition (Spanish with Logo; June 24, 2023)
- Structure of IYRP Coalition (English with Logo; June 24, 2023)
- GCG Minutes (September 30, 2022)
- GCG Minutes - Meeting(Access Passcode: Qhk#4&64) (May 6, 2022)
- Minutes 4th Global Communications Team Meeting (August 13, 2021)
- Minutes 3rd Global Communications Team Meeting (July 9, 2021)
- Minutes 2nd Global Communications Team Meeting (April 30, 2021)
- Minutes from IYRP Global Communications Team (March 26, 2021)
Branding Materials
- Revised Branding Guidelines (February 2025)
- Updated Branding Package (March 2024)
- Taglines & Messages (December 2023)
- Updated Branding Package (March 2022)
- Branding Guidelines (September 2021)
Regional IYRP Support Groups
- RISG Co-Chair Meeting Notes (April 11, 2024)
- Central Asia & Mongolia Meeting Notes (March 28, 2024)
- North America Communications Team meeting minutes (March 6, 2023)
- RISG Co-chairs meeting minutes (June 22, 2023)
- North America RISG Communications Team meeting minutes (December 15, 2022)
- ESA RISG meeting minutes (December 2, 2022)
- RISG Co-chairs meeting minutes (November 24, 2022)
- North America RISG Communications Team meeting minutes (October 31, 2022)
- CAM RISG meeting minutes (August 2022)
- South Asia RISG meeting minutes (August 2022)
- North America RISG meeting minutes (August 2022)
- North America RISG meeting minutes (August 2021)
- South Asia RISG meeting minutes (July 2021)
- South Asia RISG meeting minutes (May 2021)
- North America RISG meeting minutes (July 2021)
- Terms of Reference RISGs including positions (revised; May 2021)
- Fifth Meeting Minutes: North America (May 2021)
- Fourth Meeting Minutes: Central Asia & Mongolia (May 21, 2021)
- Fourth Meeting Minutes: North America (April 2021)
- Kyrgyzstan Commitment to the IYRP (May 2021)
- Plan d'Action IYRP provisoire (Europe; April 9, 2021)
- Third Meeting Minutes: North America (March 2021)
- Third Meeting Minutes: Eastern & Southern Africa (April 23, 2021)
- Second Meeting Minutes: North America (February 2021)
- Second Meeting Minutes: Eastern & Southern Africa (January 22, 2022)
- Second Meeting Minutes: East & South Asia (February 23, 2021)
- Second Meeting Minutes: Central Asia & Mongolia (English; January 2021)
- Second Meeting Minutes: Central Asia & Mongolia (Russian; January 2021)
- Minutes First Meeting: North America (January 2021)
- Minutes First Meeting Europe & Arctic (December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: Central Asia & Mongolia (Russian; December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: Central Asia & Mongolia (English; December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: China and East Asia (December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: Eastern & Southern Africa (December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: South Asia (December 2020)
- Minutes First Meeting: MENA RISG (December 2020)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (English)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (French)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (Spanish)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (Arabic)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (Russian)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (Mongolian)
- Preparatory Process for RISGs (Chinese)
Working Groups
- LDN Science Review paper (January 2024)
- Working Groups Update (November 2023)
- Minutes Rangelands and Biodiversity Group Meeting June 22, 2023
- Minutes Gender Working Group Meeting 3 March 2023
- Minutes Pastoralism & Water Core Group Meeting 16 March 2023
- Minutes IYRP Gender Working Group Meeting 23 February 2023
- Notes IYRP Rangeland Degradation Meeting 7 July 2022
IYRP Newsletters
Promotional Materials
- IYRP Logo in Spanish (April 2024)
- IYRP 2026 North America Logo (August 2022)
- IYRP 2026 Logo (August 2022)
- IYRP Flyer (4 page; February 2021)
- Open Flyer (English; November 2020)
- Word Cloud (from Google) - Rangelands (April 2021)
- Word Cloud (from Google) - Pastoralists (April 2021)
- IYRP Information for Pastoralist countries (October 2020)
- IYRP Información para organizaciones pastoriles (Spanish; October 2020)
- IYRP informations pour les organisations pastorales (French; October 2020)
- IYRP Graphic 3 - Pastoralists (Ethiopia; jpg; landscape)
- IYRP Graphic 4 - Rangelands Pastoralism (Europe; jpg; landscape)
- IYRP Graphic 5 - IYRP Global (U.S.; jpg; landscape)
- IYRP Graphic 1 - Worldwide (Mongolia; jpg; vertical)
- IYRP Graphic 2 - Rangelands Landscapes (Kenya; jpg; vertical)
- IYPR Graphic 3 - Pastoralists (Ethiopia; jpg; vertical)
- IYRP Graphic 4 - Rangelands Pastoralism (Europe; jpg; vertical)
- IYRP Graphic 5 - IYRP Global (U.S.; jpg; vertical)
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Russian (January 2024)
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Tajik (January 2024)
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Albanian (May 2023); & accompanying PPT
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Mongolian (March 2023)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - Mongolian (March 2023)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - Arabic (March 2023)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - English (September 2022)
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - English (September 2022)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - English
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Spanish (September 2022)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - Spanish
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - French (October 2022)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - French
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - German (October 2022)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - German
- 12 Themes Color Graphic - Italian (October 2022)
- 12 Themes Black and White Graphic - Italian
- IYRP Poster for GASL Conference (Sept. 2019)
- IYRP PowerPoint Presentation (CELEP; June 2019)
- Open Flyer, general (Chinese; 2019)
- Open Flyer, general (Spanish; 2019)
- 12 Possible Monthly Themes for an IYRP (DRAFT - August 2020; Chinese)
- 12 Possible Monthly Themes for an IYRP (February, 2019; Russian)
- Press Release: Cancun Statement (FAO; 23 December 2016)
- Press Release (Spanish) for CBD COP13 Side Event
- CELEP News: Campaign for IYRP
- Press Release IYRP & Support for UNEA-2 Resolution (SRM, RP, IRC, IGC)
- Press release on Side Event: UNEA-2
- CBD COP13 Side Event Concept Paper (December 2016)
- Poster, CBD COP13 Side Event (December 2016)
- UNEA-2 Open Flyer (May 2016)
Presentations and Posters
- Diversity of Rangelands in the World Map (January 2024)
- IYRP Working Groups PPT (November 2023)
- Introducing the IYRP (October 10, 2023)
- IYRP Overview to ICIMOD (October 5, 2023)
- A Catalyst for Change, Improvement & Impact (September 2023) Presentation at SFA Conference
- IYRP: Relevance to Pastoral Mobility (August 17, 2023) Global Dialogue Pastoral Mobility Webinar
- UN IYRP2026: Overview of Working Groups (July 17, 2023)
- World Map: Regional Support Groups of the IYRP2026 (2023)
- IYRP2026: Insights to this Unprecedented Journey (2023) Igshaan Samuels Keynote at GSSA58
- Introduction for IYRP Working Groups (March 15, 2023)
- IYRP Children's Song
- Introduction to the IYRP (April 11, 2023)
- Introduction to the Symposium & Reflections on Action Planning for Increasing Awareness & Knowledge on Sustainable Global Rangelands (February 1, 2023) Samuels & Niamir-Fuller at the Society for Range Management Conference
- IYRP Regional Support Groups Action Planning (February 7, 2023)
- IYRP2026 Presentation to IICA (2022) Engin Yilmaz, co-chair, European RISG
- Importance of Mobility & Nomadic People in Managing Biodiversity & Food Systems: Side Event 28th Session of FAO COAG28. Nahid Naghezadeh, CENESTA
- IYRP 2026 Poster (September 2022)
- UN International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists 2026 (INTPA InfoPoint Brussels, 7 December 2022)
- IYRP History and Update for the PKH Annual Meeting (PPT, December 2020)
- IYRP History, Process, Priority Themes and Way Forward (Voice Over PPT, July 2020)
- IYRP Open Space Session Report (Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock Conference, September 10, 2019)
- IYRP Poster (Global Agenda for Sustainable Livestock Conference, September 20, 2019)
- Rangelands and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (Global Landscapes Forum, June 23rd, 2019)
- A Global Call for a UNIYRP (Conference on Pastoralism & Rangelands Restoration, Burkina Faso, June 19, 2019)
- The Process for Gaining an IYRP & UNEA2 Outcomes (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Report from Australia & International Rangelands Congress 2016 - Saskatoon (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Report from International Grasslands Congress (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- FAO's Advocacy Activites on Pastoralism (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- IUCN Video Presentation for Workshop on IYRP (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Report on Side Event CBD COP13 (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Planning & Implementing an Integrated Marketing Plan: International Year of Soils (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Impact Strategy for an IYRP (SRM conference workshop, January 31, 2017)
- Key Messages: Cancun Side Event (CBD COP 13, Huber-Sannwald Keynote, December 2016)
- World's Grasslands & Rangelands at Risk: The Role of Pastoralists & Livestock to Conserve Biodiversity (CBD COP13 poster)
Joint International Rangelands & Grasslands Congress, 2021
Global Grassland & Savannah Dialogue Platform
- GGDP Agenda & Publications (January 2024)
- COP28 Outcome for Grassland Dialogue (January 2024)
- Grasslands Assessment Map PPT Presentation (January 2024)
- Central Grasslands Roadmap PPT Presentation (January 2024)
- Integrating Grassland & Savannahs into National Biodiversity & Climate Commitments PPT (January 2024)
- Dialogue Platform Website
- Briefing: Grassland-Savannah Priorities (October 17, 2020)
- Notes Grasslands Dialogue Meeting (July 21, 2020)
- Presentation: Remote Sensing for Grassland Mapping & Monitoring (July 21, 2020)
- Presentation: Mapping as a tool for filling data gaps in grasslands and savannahs (July 21, 2020)
- Presentation: Global Grasslands External Kick Off (July 21, 2020)
- Launching the Grasslands & Savannah Dialogue Platform (RP Newsletter article; July 2020)
International Year Resolution Resources
- Example Committees for Supporting International Years (December 2018)
- Blue Book Directory of Mission Delegations to the United Nations (June 2016)
- Resolution Guidelines
- UN International Years: 1950-2017
- FAO Policy on Proclamation and Implementation of International Years (2013)
- FAO Policy on Proclamation and Implementation of International Years (2016)
Related Declarations
- Declaration of the 4th civil society gathering Désertif’actions (June 2019)
- UNEA-4 Resolution: Innovations in sustainable rangelands and pastoralism (March 2019)
- International Year of Indigenous Languages for 2019 (December 2016); website
- Civil Society Declaration from the Agroecology Symposium (April 2018)
- Internationald Year of Camelids Declared for 2024 (October 2017)
- Johkamohkki Declaration, 6th World Reindeer Herders' Congress, Sweden (August 2017)
- Kenya Resolution on International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists Submitted to FAO (May 2017)
- Note Verbale on Rangelands and Pastoralists (May 2017)
- CELEP Statement on International Year of Rangelands & Pastoralists (January 2017)
- Society for Range Management Resolution on a United Nations IYRP, 2020 (2017)
- Cancun Statement: Promoting sustainable pastoralism & livestock production for the conservation of biodiversity in grasslands (2016)
- UNEA-2 Resolution: Combating desertification, land degradation, & drought and promoting sustainable pastoralism and rangelands (2016)
- FAO Pastoralist Knowledge Hub List of Declarations
- Hustai Declaration on Pastoralism and Nomadic People for Central Asia (2015)
- Koblenz-Ehrenbreitstein Declaration: Shepherd Net (June 2015)
- UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2014) - See paragraph 48 for pastoralism statement of support
- UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2013) - See paragraph 34 for pastoralism statement of support
- World Soil Day and International Year of Soils (2013)
- International Year of Pulses (2013)
- N'Djamena Declaration on the Contribution of Pastoralist Livestock (2013)
- MERA Declaration: Women Pastoralists (2012)
- AU Framework on Pastoralism in Africa (2012)
- Nouakchott Declaration (2013)
- The Barioche Temperate Grasslands Declaration (2010)
- Segovia Declaration of Nomadic and Transhumant Pastoralists (2007)
- The Kiserian Pastoralist Statement
- Hohhot Declaration (2008)
Past Events
Worldwide IYRP Activities
- ILC Rangelands Initiative Global Annual Planning Meeting, November 20-21, 2019
- Pastoralist Knowledge Hub Meeting Report, November 18-19, 2019
- Global Landscapes Forum "Restore the Earth" 2019
- UNCCD COP14 Press Release:Monitoring and Combating Land Degradation in Pastoral Areas – Are Participatory Approaches Important?
- Some Activities Undertaken Re: IYRP by Region and Country
Background Resources (Documents, Web, News, and Photos)
- Information for Pastoralist Organizations; 2 pages (March 2024)
- Information for Pastoralists (Russian, January 2024)
- Information for Pastoralists (Tajik, January 2024)
- SRM DC Update, 1-30-20 - IYRP Meeting at U.S. State Department
- Climate-Smart Investments in Rangelands (Asia Development Bank, November 2019)
- A 5-Minute Starter on Rangelands and Why They Matter (June 2019)
- CELEP Toolbox for Advocacy (2019; 20 pages)
- For Karamojong, Pastoralism is Our Future, Not Our Past (Uganda; May 27, 2019)
- Pastoralists as Family Farmers (CELEP, ILC, RIG, IYRP; 2019; English)
- Pastoralists as Family Farmers (CELEP, ILC, RIG, IYRP; 2019; French)
- Pastoralists as Family Farmers (CELEP, ILC, RIG, IYRP; 2019; Spanish)
- Pastorialists as Family Farmers: some more details (CELEP, ILC, RIG, IYRP; 2019; 10 pages)
- Pastoralism & the SDGs: How supporting pastoralism can help realise the Sustainable Development Goals (CELEP, 2019)
- Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands: A Technical Guide (FAO, 2016)
- Rangelands, Drylands & Pastoralism (Land Portal)
- Pastoralism stories published on the UNEP
- Photos of the UNEA-2 Side Events (ILRI)
- ILRI News blog – UN adopts resolution promoting sustainable pastoralism and rangelands
- Putting sustainable pastoralism on the global agenda
- En busca de que el año 2021 sea proclamado Año Internacional de los Agostaderos/Pastizales y Pastores
Film and Video Resources
- GLF New York - Drylands and Rangelands: Harnessing Change (October 2019)
- Perspectives on Pastoralism Film Festival (Kassel, September 2019 & Brussels, October 2019)
- Global Landscape Forum: Drylands and Rangelands Session (September 2019)
- Conservation South Africa "Rangelands"